Why I love you

“Why do you love me?”, you ask;
And now all you can do is embrace the silence that follows.

I wish I could answer you perfectly; I wish it could be as effortless as you unfurling the curtains to my heart and seeing your reflection; seeing what I see.

I love you,

Because you take away the turmoils from within my soul and weave them gracefully into poetry.

Because your chaos and my chaos together get blended into something so beautifully tranquil, I’ve realised that negative and negative make positive even outside of maths.

Because somehow my petrified heart doesn’t shy away from the concept of love anymore and now I’m wondering why I was always so wary of something so pure.

Because, before you, I only wrote about losing love since I always felt pain more deeply than I felt love but now I know that I’d just never truly loved before.

So I love you, the reasons of which stay cherished in my heart; just like you.

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