Depression and Me : Why I lose

Depression is a lot like love.

It will always be a part of you; You might feel that pure snippet of happiness when it dawns on you that you’ve moved on, or mourn the invisible shackles that still bind you to it. Tiny, random things from normal, random days will take you back to the past and make you feel the exact same way you once felt. Most of all, though, it will remind you how utterly fickle you are – you can easily fall all over again. You won’t know it immediately, but the signs will be there. Then one night when you’re trying to make sense of the tears rolling down your cheeks without any reason and the heartbreaking desperation for acknowledgement and love, you will realize that you’ve been here before. Look around you, the chair is now a mountain of unwashed dirty laundry, the present that your friends so lovingly gave you is lying on the floor, the food and new dresses that your mother sent you are lying in the corner; they don’t really matter to you right now. However, you want to believe that they do. I realized today that one takes steps to entice joy, just to ensure that one feels happy for the things that one should ordinarily feel happy about – pushing someone to the light of joy with the hope that they’ll inadvertently gift some of it to you.

I often described depression as a feeling of emptiness. I now know that the description doesn’t do justice to it, because that is not how I feel right now. I feel like there are veins of turmoil throbbing in me but they are filled with emptiness. Perhaps that doesn’t make sense to you, but that- right there- is the whole point.

The last time I felt this way was when I was in High School. I often wonder why my best friends, the ones I spent each day with back then, never caught on to it. I blamed them for being bad friends, as any naïve survivor would. “Perhaps they didn’t care enough to see the signs”, “They probably were too busy worrying about their own issues”, “They were kids and didn’t know better” – These were the justifications that I gave myself on their behalf. Little did I know that I, and only I, was to blame.

I went out with my parents today, and despite the sense of darkness that has been haunting me, I was the poster child for happiness. I made the right jokes at the right time, laughed throughout the conversation and added the right smidgens of dramatics required of me. It was almost mechanical. I was almost mechanical… but there was no way for them to know. It’s even better with my friends. I am the same as I always was. I know at what point I would normally pass a sarcastic comment or give an overly dramatic reaction or just laugh wildly like I’m not really feeling numb inside. It’s all very heartbreakingly normal. Sometimes I caught myself getting lost in my own thoughts of nothingness when I was in the midst of a crowd that I love. Next thing I knew, I’d started to plaster a content smile on my face when I did it. It makes me uncomfortable, this deliberate addition to an absolutely inadvertent act; and all of it just to conceal the truth, the discovery of which is my only hope. Today I gave an overly dramatic speech about my optimism for the times to come and it killed me inside how I could so confidently make such declarations and not even believe an iota of it. I was reacting the way I would have normally, as if I was set in ‘automatic mode’ which facilitated me to say just the right things at the right time for the purpose of seeming normal.That is where the problem lies. How would I ever be able to speak to them about this when all they believe is that everything is normal? I’ve recently become extremely active on social media, like a 14 year old who just joined Whatsapp I chat with everyone who ever mattered to me. I wonder if, in some twisted way, I am daring them to figure it out. Perhaps, despite all my unreasonable and unalterable attempts, somebody will understand.

There are two basic realities that I must face; 1) If you don’t understand your sadness, neither will anybody around you. 2) People believe what you let them believe. As I face them, I realize that this is why I keep losing. This is why, as I sit here pondering over something so devastatingly abstract, I stay silent. Who do I talk to? You could have a hundred people around you who love you unconditionally and they still won’t be able to help you if you don’t let them in.

I want to sit down with someone and tell them this. I want to hug them while I cry my heart out like I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. I can’t, though, and that is because sometimes, you have no one even when you have everyone. While that is a rubbish way to put it, I know no other way.

So, here I lie, writing my heart out. Tomorrow, I will wash my hair and clean my room, hoping that it will help. Knowing that it won’t.

7 thoughts on “Depression and Me : Why I lose

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  1. Aren’t all of us a bunch of broken people with broken hearts? I need you to know, a friend like yourself deserves shitloads of happiness and no matter what, you are not alone in this.


  2. Depression is a hard state to manage. I’ve struggled with depression for years and only recently feel more hope and aliveness. I hope you find a way to embrace it and/or share your authentic feelings and self with people you trust. Hugs, Brad


  3. Depression has been called the black dog – it will follow you around, whether you want it or not. So give him a bone, a distraction. Like doing the laundry even when you want to stay between the sweaty sheets: he’ll wonder what you are up to.

    Take him for a walk; he’ll follow you anyway; tell him: this is where my friend Pauline lives; here is Tito the terrier’s house, his mistress might let us take him walking with us; here’s the tree my brother climbed and could not get down.

    In other words, show the black dog the other side of life.

    Or to put it another way, ask yourself what you would do if everything was all right, and do it. As you did for your parents; then you are asserting the full life over the empty. Even if you don’t feel it.

    And count your blessings, even one a day.

    All these help, some of the time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I feel you have described, with sharp honesty and feeling, the nature of depression and, furthermore, the self-delusion that can come with it. We seem to be conditioned, all of us, to maintain a pretense of normalcy, and not only that, a happy normalcy, often to our detriment. Depression is devious; it tells us that nobody cares, that our worth is less than others.

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    1. “We seem to be conditioned, all of us, to maintain a pretense of normalcy, and not only that, a happy normalcy, often to our detriment.” You have beautifully summarised the very soul of the article and the issue that it endeavours to put forward. I’m glad that you understand.


  5. How achingly beautiful this is, Roselina. The despondency of depression…almost accurately captured. And while I am not sure if you have written this of yourself or another, I wish for these spasm of emptiness to leave whomever it consumes. What an irony, though, that the most heart-wrenching moments sometimes deliver the most beautiful art!

    Liked by 1 person

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